School Year 2015-2016
Instructor: J. Berkeley

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Beverly Hills High School --- Grading Policies --- Mr. Berkeley --- School Year 2015-2016

Your grade in my class is based on total points earned on tests, quizzes, class notebook and labs, worksheets,
activities, educational games of skill, and extra credit. The overall scheme is based on a loose curve where your
total is measured against your fellow students. Normally 90% of the highest student’s total will be the lowest A-
in the class, 80% of the highest student’s total will be the lowest B- in the class, 70% the lowest C-, and 60% the
lowest passing mark in the class. A student turning in 90% or more of the assignments guarantees passing the class.

A grade of 60% on the final exam will also automatically pass the student. Late or incomplete assignments are
considered at best half credit. If you miss an assignment due to an excused absence, you will have that
many more days to complete it. For example, an assignment is due Tuesday and you’re absent Tuesday,
it will then be due on Wednesday for you. It is completely your responsibility to make up any material you
missed due to absence. If you are absent unexcusedly, you earn a zero for anything due that day
AND anything assigned that day. Don’t ditch class! More than one tardy per three week period is considered
unsatisfactory. Homework shall be given 2-3 times per week on average. Copying work of any kind
from another student is the same as cheating and is totally unacceptable as is the use of profanity and
showing disrespect to others.

CERTIFICATION (Every student and parent is required to sign this.)

We have both read and understood the syllabus and grading policies for this school year.
We have discussed what we need to do in order that the student maximize their
educational opportunity while in this class. As a parent, I take first responsibility for
ensuring that my student completes their assignments on time and with due care.
As a student, I take full responsibility for my performance and effort.

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